Opening Plenary Session of the 2020 AFS Virtual Annual Meeting, September 14, 2020. Featuring:
- INTRODUCTION by AFS President Scott Bonar (~00:00 – 00:16)
- ADAPTATION IS NECESSARY, BUT NOT SUFFICIENT: WHY IT IS CRITICAL (AND FEASIBLE) TO STOP CLIMATE CHANGE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, Jonathon Overpeck, Dean of the School of Environment and Sustainability University of Michigan (~00:16 – 00:44)
INTEGRATING SCIENCE, POLICY AND MANAGEMENT, Tom Frazer, Ph.D., Director, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Florida (~00:44 – 01:04)
CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE AMERICAN MIND, Anthony Leiserowitz, Director, Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (~01:04 – 01:39)
PANEL DISCUSSION (~01:39 – 02:05)
September 16, 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting Plenary Session
FISHTALES – PITCHING YOUR STORY TO THE MEDIA, with media and communications expert Marcy McGinnis (~10:00-51:00, followed by Q&A).